About me
2022. 10. 28. 20:48
Personal information
- Name: 백승언, Seungeon Baek
- E-mail: bsewo5959@naver.com / bsewo5959@gmail.com
- Organization: Nota ITS
- Position: ML/RL Research engineer
- Github: Here
- LinkedIn: Here
- 팀블로그: 당황했습니까 휴먼? [닉네임: 잿빛들판]
Research interests
- Reinforcement Learning
- Multi-agent RL
- Safety, efficient exploration methods for real world application
- Action representation
- Discrete / Continuous / Hybrid actions for domain specific problem
- Elaborated action representation like AlphaStar(Pointer Net)
- Graph Neural Network
- State representation for MARL
- State representation for domain specific problem(spatial, spatio-temporal)
- Modeling for relateion with agents in MARL
- Action modeling for RL with combinatorial optimization problem
- Causal Inference
- currently studying
- Meta learning, Meta RL
- currently stduying
- Computer languages: Python, C++, C, MATLAB
- Deep learning framework: Tensorflow2, Tensorflow-probability, Keras
- Deep RL framework: Gym, StableBaseline3, PettingZoo
Domain experience
- Planning/Control of autonomous vehicle
- Mission planning and Behavioral planning of swarm drone
- Scheduling of traffic signal control in Arterial, Network