
About me

잿빛들판 2022. 10. 28. 20:48

Personal information
  1. Name: 백승언, Seungeon Baek
  2. E-mail: bsewo5959@naver.com / bsewo5959@gmail.com
  3. Organization: Nota ITS
  4. Position: ML/RL Research engineer
  5. Github: Here
  6. LinkedIn: Here
  7. 팀블로그: 당황했습니까 휴먼? [닉네임: 잿빛들판]


Research interests

  1. Reinforcement Learning
    1. Multi-agent RL
    2. Safety, efficient exploration methods for real world application
    3. Action representation
      1. Discrete / Continuous / Hybrid actions for domain specific problem
      2. Elaborated action representation like AlphaStar(Pointer Net)
  2. Graph Neural Network
    1. State representation for MARL
    2. State representation for domain specific problem(spatial, spatio-temporal)
    3. Modeling for relateion with agents in MARL
    4. Action modeling for RL with combinatorial optimization problem
  3. Causal Inference
    1. currently studying
  4. Meta learning, Meta RL
    1. currently stduying



  1. Computer languages: Python, C++, C, MATLAB
  2. Deep learning framework: Tensorflow2, Tensorflow-probability, Keras
  3. Deep RL framework: Gym, StableBaseline3, PettingZoo


Domain experience

  1. Planning/Control of autonomous vehicle
  2. Mission planning and Behavioral planning of swarm drone
  3. Scheduling of traffic signal control in Arterial, Network